I started weathering all of the wagons and I'm not happy. A number of decals have fallen off or have disintegrated and some have not adhered properly which has given that decal sheen patina to some of them. Not happy Jan! The ones that disintegrated were affected by the Tamiya flat finish I applied to seal them so I swapped to Floquil and all was good. I'll have to re-decal about 10 wagons so that means reprinting the decals and applying them again.
As I said I've weathered most of the wagons that the decals survived and I did this mainly with dry brushing and acrylic washes. Here's how they turned out
Feelthy S and not so feelthy K
Oh, and I've also done a little more on the MLV's and they all now how have brake roding installed with truss rods to come.
I've also ordered some some Floquil Paint Pens from Stanbridges in Perth as they were the only ones I could find who could send the pens via Australia Post. So I'll be finally laying some track soon....I need a diversion from the wagons.