Well, the track laying is going sloooowly as I'm now spiking the rails down after gluing with Pliobond. It's driving me crayzee I must admit so it better be worth the effort. The bullhead rail and chairs arrived so I've put all the chairs on the rails ready for gluing. The rail is code 75 and the chairs are 4mm but the ballast will come up to about half way up the rail so the scale and rail size shouldn't be noticeable. This will be installed as Hill Top's loop. I also purchased some Uneek point rodding, adjusters and balancers which unfortunately, were not what I expected. The rodding and rodding chairs are OK but the adjusters and balancers are cast in relief so they won't be making it onto the layout. Instead, I ordered some etched 4mm parts from the guys at Wizard so we'll see how they look. Hopefully, the scale won't be too noticeable. There's a lesson here.....never, ever procrastinate when buying stuff. I was about to buy the rodding and ancillaries from IR Models when Ian shut down the business. Damn!! Hence the search now for suitable replacements. With a bit of luck, Ian will find a new owner for his etches and I'll be able to get what I need. God knows what I'm going to do for signals if this doesn't happen. In the meantime, to keep myself from going mental, I built some backdrops for the layout out of 3mm ply. Here's how it looks
Near the roller Doors
The Other end
I've also ordered some Kadee uncoupler magnets for when I finally get to install the track and points. That is if I don't lose my mind in the meantime.
It’s not Patience, It’s Persistence
Hey hey, do you often get people come up to you and compliment you on your
models whilst also self deprecating their own skills and abilities? I know
Old Cassino Dairy is Being Installed
On Monday I continued work on my Old Cassino Dairy building. I added a
couple of bits of styrene, so I could use a bulldog clip to join the two
back bui...
A long time dream finally realised …
An idea that has been in the back of my mind for over 20 years has finally
come to fruition over the last 12 months. I have always wanted to try and
The April 2025 issue of the AMRM is now available
The April 2025 issue of the AMRM is available in store
If your local hobby shop or newsagent does not stock AMRM (ask them why
not!), you can purchase a p...
2025 Main North Layout Video & Track Plans.
With the upgrade of Gosford completed including adding the Overhead Wiring
from Hawkesbury River & sprucing up most of the Stations to Broadmeadow in
February 2025
In the first work session in February the temporary floor in the car and
raised platform on the north side were finished and stairs at the east end
of th...
Going, Going, Gone
Hi all,
I guess my last post was rather brutal, just pictures and no words, but
sometimes a picture tells a thousand words. Yes it is true that my VR
New Manildra Trains
The last two months of 2024 has seen the introduction of new locos and
wagons for Manildra Group, being operated by SSR.
Here are a few photos of new M...
2024 Rosehill Exhibition
I made it through the crowds to the Epping Model Railway Club's exhibition
at Rosehill Gardens this morning. While the following photos may disappoint
Myford Musings
About 8 years ago I made the decision to buy myself some metalwork machines
to assist me in building some railway models and for the simple reason that
I w...
Mechanical Branch 20,000 gal water tank
It has been too long since the last post which has been taken up with
ironing out a few bugs on the layout and messing around with adjusting
decoders on ...
Merriwa station,yard and silo
*Hi All*
* I recently did a quick trip to Merriwa to photograph whats *
*left of the station, yard and the silo with the mural*
*Till next time *
Easing out of the public spotlight.
I have recently had an invitation to exhibit Victoria Street early in the
second half of the year, while it's nice to be invited, and I have
seriously cont...
Looking ahead 2019 - Exhibitions
Every new year I make a mental list of all the things I want to achieve in
the coming year. I have done this for many years now. However, I stopped
Some aerial shots taken by Nick . ...
S and 7 - S and Wagon
My 7mm S Wagon build is plodding away slowly. It's one of those jobs that
just sits in the background and gets sporadic attention.
The model build...
Last night about 10.10 pm Darren left us. he fought MND to the very end. it
was quick, and peaceful. and totally unexpected. we knew MND was in his
lungs B...
Completing the roofing and smoke hood
I've been beavering away on a few smaller parts for the loco shed. The
smoke hood and associated smoke stacks have been on the workbench for a
while now. T...
Lights, Camera, Action...
Those that know me know that I have a fascination with lights, be they the
city lights (especially when seen from a plane) fireworks etc, or in a
model, ...
Austrains 3025 with sound
Austrains 30 tank with Lintons sound file using ESU decoder with sugar cube
speaker in the smokebox
A long time between posts but I thought id share this ...
End of the Line, for Now. . .
Since updates on the Buggardine/Narrabri/Australian outline layout of mine
have gotten less and less frequent, astute followers (or those those who
still f...
The old Lambing Flat website; risen from the dead!
An idle search on the Wayback Machine revealed that my old Lambing Flat
website has been preserved, pretty much intact!
Commencement of the Urangan Pier.
My posts are few and far between these days but I have found a slot in my
lifestyle to put pen to paper so to speak and throw up a few photos of the
pier t...
Ballast siding photos
Well just a small update as I was lucky enough to find the photos for the
cutting and shaping work done with the foam insulation board.
The Masonite facia...
Back into the model room!
I'm back into the model railway and it feels good.
During Christmas the bench work in the new extension went in and Munibung
is back in one piece and mount...
Getting ready for Inverell
The Inverell Model Railway and Hobby Exhibition is only a week away now and
I am busy getting some models ready for display. Splitters Swamp Creek will
be ...
Change of standards
It's been a long time since the last post!
I've finally finished removing the woodgrain off the CW's and will start
soon on the GSV's.
A lot...
Long Time Between Drinks...
It has been some time since my last post and plenty has happened in the
intervening period...
Firstly, the layout once known as Fish River has been permane...
Ballasting problems
G'day viewers
Here are some photos I took a while back of the corrosion caused by ballast
I thought it may have been due to the flux I use to sol...
Branchline Modellers Forum
Hi All,
Yes I know I have not posted for ages and this is still not an update of
what I have been up to.......It will come eventually, But thought I would
Little bit of Weathering
We had a nice sunny day today, so why not take the opportunity to do a
little weathering.
8629 straight from the box.
The finished product
I found an im...
Almost ready for the Perth Show end of May
It's been a while since my last post.
Work has halted on Thirroul for the time being, as It will be relocated to
a new home at some stage, due to a change i...
New Direction - Stage 2
This stage is the biggest change to the *original design* to accommodate
the charge of direction outlined in the previous blog on Stage 1. The major
VR Rail Tractor
Hi All,
I was in Australia for Christmas and was fortunate enough to meet up withe
some excellent VR modellers - thanks to the organisational efforts of
An Afternoon of Bench/Trackwork
Laid down some more of the plywood base for the trackwork this afternoon.
A test run with my articulated loco and 2 wagons it seems to h...
Newcastle Signal Box
It been a while (11 months) since a post and I thought it appropriate to
show some pictures of Newcastle Signal Box taken on 26 February and 17
March 2003....
Many of those modelling the NSW scene will be familiar with the excellent
AndIan Models BLV kit, and those who have built it or are building it now
will kn...
Reference material...
Even tho my layout is freelance, it is still based in the Cowra region. So
when it comes to scenery any reference is helpful.
Bevan Wall posts regular...
A change of pace.
I have great admiration for those people who can stick to the one thing
through thick or thin and avoid distraction. But, that is not me.
Many different ra...
An English Interlude & Why I married someone from Ramsbottom!
Five months since I last posted, yikes!!!!!
Thought I would share a few photos from our Chri...
Turret Tender Update - Stock Availablity
After a very frustrating 5 years! I am very please to say that we now have
our 5000 Gallon Turret Tender kits available.
The kit is of full etched brass con...
South Staging Back Tracks Installed.
Well the South Staging (Lower Staging) is starting to take shape with the
Back 5 dead-end staging are in, but this s...
CCA and an FO…
Well a few weeks ago my Austrians FO and CCA turned up for the Kurrajong
project. Austrians really have gone up a gear and are producing some fine
Packing up (again).
Well bloggers its been a while since Ive made a post on here, As usual
theres been plenty going on.
I now find myself packing up another house and moving. ...
Hi All,
Didn't realize it has been over 2 months since the last post, and looking
at where I was back then, Man, ive done a bit!!!
Over that time I've insta...
Project 620 - the other one...
While i'd been working on my model of preserved 621, i've also had a second
loco on go at the same time. This one for my brother's birthday present. He
Lower the Drawbridge!
A sudden rush of enthusiasm, helped by the fact that I'm on holidays
actually saw some work on Byron Creek. Namely the construction of a lift up
flap or dr...
Well it's been a while
No excuses just a year or so of disruptions with operations, becoming a
grandfather for the fourth time and my mum passing away just one year ago.
The cons...