Here's a little clip of 5096 running a test train through Thirlmere.
So, as you can see, things are actually working on the Loop Line or Top Deck of the layout. Not without some issues, mind you, but mostly trouble free. I've got to work on a couple of points where the loco stalls at low speed but overall, I'm pretty happy given this is my first real layout.
I'm also learning about DCC at a rapid pace given the issues I had last week with an EPROM upgrade on my NCE PowerCab that totally screwed over the QSI decoder in the 50 class. Many attempts to reset using CV commands and DCC Magic Wand resets all led to nought until a conversation with Marcus Ammann led to taking the tender body off to find the reed switch (it had moved to under the coal space rather than where it was supposed to be under the water filler) and then do a DC reset. Bingo!! Chip reset to default again.
So, I've been having a bit of fun driving some trains from the bottom deck and up the helix through Thirlmere to Hill Top and beyond but I better stop and continue with the wiring for the bottom deck.
Getting closer!!